A screen prompt will also allow you to annotate, save or share it using the Snip & Sketch app. Once you snip an area of your screen - the snipped image is added to your clipboard and you can paste it immediately in another app. Drag the cursor around an object to form a rectangle. The snipping bar allows you to capture the following types of snips: Press the New button to start snipping with the snipping bar.

Press the Start button and enter Snip & Sketch in the search field.Here are some common ways to take and annotate screenshots in Snip & Sketch on Windows 10. While you can already capture your screen using your keyboard’s PrtScn button, you can now press Windows logo key + Shift + S to open the new modern snipping experience (also called the snipping bar), then drag the cursor over the area you want to capture. Sometimes the easiest way to make a copy of something is to take a snapshot of your screen.